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Just Push
a new branch
Kill the annoying task of writing & creating PRs, so you can ship faster.
What does Just Push even do?
Highlight key changes
We look through your changes and highlight the key changes.
Speed up the review process
Without lifting a finger, we put your pull request up for review.
Customized to your team
We look at examples to ensure we are following the guidelines.
How it works
Your shortcut to creating pull requests
Ingest your guides
Just Push searches your repo for's, pull request guides, and other files.
Generate Instructions
Automatically generate instructions for your PRs based on the guidelines, editable by you, anytime.
Wait for new branches
Just Push is always waiting for new branches to be created, so we can create PRs for you.
Create a PR
When a branch is created, we create a PR for you, with the title and description.